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Revlite Q-Switch Nd-Yag laser

Revlite Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser

Ever wondered why some people have flawless skin with amazingly small pores. Ever thought of how to rejuvenate your skin gradually with no downtime and no tell tale signs of treatments? Are you frustrated with your difficult to treat patchy pigmentation or diagnosed of Melasma pigmentation due to pregnancy or taking hormonal tablets? Revlite laser treatment is the answer. Revlite is a Q-Switch Nd-yag laser that emits very high peak power delivered in a very short time period (nano seconds) causing vibrations under the skin to breakdown of unwanted pigmentation and stimulating new collagen formation under the skin compressing pores and ironing out wrinkles gradually.

Come and try this “Laser facial” regularly and enjoy an excellent looking skin. Best results if combined with Microdermabrasion and Sonophoresis.