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PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma

Alopecia or Hair loss is an often alarming to an individual may it be a gradual onset of diffuse hair loss or sudden onset of patchy hair loss. It can be classified into 2 major forms:

Androgenic Alopecia:
Often know as male pattern hair loss but this may also occur in females. It is due to hormonal factors, genetic predisposition, aging or certain endocrine or metabolic conditions. It is generally a difficult condition to treat and treatments are aimed at thickening up the regressed vellus hair (baby hair) back to thicker matured terminal hair (adult hair) and also to minimize further hair loss.

Alopecia Areata:
This is an autoimmune disease where your body’s immune cells are attacking the hair bulb leading to patchy hair loss. There is a genetic basis to this condition and is associated with other autoimmune diseases such as those affecting the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and also vitiligo.

The procedure:
PRP treatment involves taking some blood from you and it’s placed into a Regen Test tube, which is then centrifuged to separate your PRP and growth factors from the Red Blood cells. The PRP is removed and injected into your affected area with a special U225-Gun which makes the procedure fast and painless.

Clinical Results:
PRP has been shown to be effective in treatment of both forms of Alopecia. The timing of treatment is important.


How does it work?

Blood is taken directly from the patient using the patented RegenLab PRP tube, in a procedure similar to a blood test.

The patented tube is then centrifuged, which separates the red blood cells from PRP using a special gel. The PRP is then directly injected into the focus area to support and help accelerate the process of tissue regeneration and repair. RegenLab PRP contains fundamental growth factors, which are activated by the platelets which help initiate the tissue regeneration process.

Clinical Results:

PRP has been shown to be effective in treatment of both forms of Alopecia. Generally, you may need between 3-6 treatments (depending on your condition) performed about 1 month apart. The timing of treatment is important. The treatment is most effective when:

1) Androgenic Alopecia: In both men and women, PRP is effective for early to intermediate stage (Ludwig & Norwood scale I to V)

2) Alopecia Areata: Both men and women show excellent results in most cases

After Treatment

Before Treatment